I was planning on doing an interview with Zippy but my new Flip video camera has already bit the dust. So, I get to hassle with sending it back and getting it replaced. As I'm getting older, I am definitely getting wiser and spent the extra $5 for a warranty!
So, I will just provide an update on me. With very mixed emotions, I started a job in September. My primary concern was health insurance. I promised myself if it wasn't working out for my family, then I would quit it and find a health plan on my own. I gave it six months and I hated every single day of it. It was not the working that I hated, it was the actual job itself. I simply cannot and will not work a job that makes me miserable (another thing I have picked up along the way with age) because it has such a huge snowball effect into other parts of my life. My family deserves a *better* me so I quit the job last week.
I have been interviewing with two companies now for months. Apparently no one is in a hurry to hire anyone these days. Both are jobs that I applied for in December and believe it or not, the multi-stage hiring process is carrying me all the way into April! Both positions are much better than the one I just left. Plus, I would be working from a home virtual office once again. I've prayed and prayed and have finally decided that I will not let this whole hurry up and wait game make me anxious. So if I get one of these jobs, then great! If don't, then great because I have other ideas and dreams swirling around in my head (and I have found a workable plan for the health insurance)! I just love that feeling I get when I know there are new possibilities on the horizon!
So what does my future hold? A new job? Self employment? Another child? The possibilities are endless and I'm SMILING!