Photo by Shanna Hullender Photography

"Adopting one child won't change the world; but for that child, the world will change."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Born In My Heart

Wow, what a first Mother's Day! The kids bounced out of bed so excited this morning you would have thought it was Christmas! They were so excited!

Billy started off the morning by going to McDonald's and bring us home breakfast! He told the kids they could give me my present after I got ready for church. So I had three kids in the bathroom with me this morning while I put on my make-up and did my hair. About every 2 minutes, one would ask if I was ready yet. Then I went down stairs and they gave me the sweetest card ever.

Then today at church we had a baby dedication or I guess child dedication in our case. Four sets of parents dedicated their children to the Lord. The kids were thrilled to get to stand before the church.

I was the lady last year that didn't get to stand for applause when they asked all Mother's to rise. However this year, not only did I get to join the ranks of all the other Mothers but I happened to receive a gift basket because I tied with another lady for having the most children in attendance today at church! After church instead of our usual Sunday lunch with my in-laws, Billy treated us to lunch at Logan's (not our favorite place by any means but the wait was pretty short).
Billy also bought me an adoption pendant for Mother's Day. I cheated and picked it out on We are just like that. It has a tag that says "Born In My" and then a heart pendant. On the back, I have the kid's initials stamped on it.
We came home for a nap and then got up and went to get ice cream at Sonic. After Sonic we went by my Dad's house for a short visit.
Whew what a wonderful day!

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