Photo by Shanna Hullender Photography

"Adopting one child won't change the world; but for that child, the world will change."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Never say "Never"

Goodness, I love blogs! At one time, I followed several but their blogging over time has fallen to the way side. I've been searching for new ones to follow the last couple of days. I love relaxing after the kids are in bed and reading about other people's adventures, mishaps, love, etc. It is like reading someone else's journal! So exciting!

At this point in my life, I dig Mommy and adoption blogs. I stumbled onto some great blogs today. A lot of them were centered around foreign adoptions. Guess what? I found myself dreaming of possibilities. Lordy, Billy would disconnect the Internet service if he only knew!!! While my hands are full at the moment, I have learned to never say "Never."

As a matter of fact when we finalized our adoptions a couple of weeks ago, we took the kids to the Tennessee Aquarium and Warner Park Zoo for the rest of the day. While celebrating the adoptions, I received and email from a Case Worker in Ohio about a little girl that I had apparently inquired about. Umm...that inquiry had to been made at the very least 9 months ago. We have had our kids 9 months, therefore, I know I haven't made inquiries since then! How sad and disheartening! Nine long months is an eternity in a child's life. I pray that 11 year old Darlene in Ohio finds her Forever Family soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shana! Brea referred me to your site and I've become a follower because I also have a heart for foster-to-adopt. I can't wait to read about the information that you have found and how God has blessed your family. If you get a second, stop by and check out my blog too. Blessings!

